Sales Funnel
When you’re a business selling a product or service, building a relationship is key, especially if it doesn’t involve a simple one-time purchase. That’s why you incorporate a sales funnel (sometimes known as purchase funnel or sales process).
Each step in your sales process requires different attention and tactics to move a potential customer down the funnel until they eventually decide to purchase. And with each step, the relationship gets stronger as the trust builds. Without a sales funnel, you’re essentially asking for an impulse buy, marketing to everyone at all times and asking them to purchase without further thought.
What is a Sales Funnel?
A sales funnel is a literal representation of funneling a large audience into a small group of converters. Each tier of the funnel gets smaller and brings your potential customers closer to the end goal. Each tier is marketed to differently, building trust and a relationship along the way.
What We Do
While we at Public can help you strategize and offer our advice, the sales process is ultimately up to you. What we do is provide you the tools you need and help you to implement the process. We work with a fully integrated sales, marketing and email platform which allows you to keep track of your marketing campaigns, function as a CRM (Customer Relationship Manager), automate emails and manage your complete sales process.

Keep track of all your current and potential customers.

Engagement Tracking
See how they interact with your digital efforts.

Sales Management
See where potential customers are in your sales funnel, how sales is engaging them and how much the sale is worth.

Email Automation
Send emails automatically when they sign up, when they interact with an important page on your site or how many times they watched your video. The possibilities are nearly limitless.
What We Can Do For You
When you work with us, not only are you getting a tool that can be invaluable to your marketing efforts, but you get the expertise of our team. Our knowledge of how the sales funnel works, how to implement your strategies and how to make the most of the tool can make a daunting and overwhelming process easy and take the worry of going it alone off your shoulders. Interested in learning more?